


I’m not much for politics

Will never hold office or such

Just seems like we analyze

Our world way too much

If we were all loving by nature

Kindness were our only creed

Microscopes wouldn’t be necessary

Could be judged by our good deeds

Not how much a charity was given

Not how many babies we kissed

But we’re so caught up on dissecting

There’s so much we have missed

We overlook true kindness

For the flashy displays of “humanity”

We mistake lies for the truth

And other such insanity

We should think a man true

For kissing a baby’s head

Babies are easy to love

Let’s talk about life instead

You want to make the world safer

Let’s talk about ridding our arms

Let’s contribute to peace

Stop doing others harm

This do onto others

Before he does to me

Creates human extinction

Via political party

Not caring about which party

You tend to subscribe

More concerned about love

Shining my Creator’s light

In the world that really matters

We have begun a cycle of hate

It isn’t about who is strongest

But the fragile hearts we break

What good is a human display?

If it is followed up with lies

We cover up evils of men

With well-padded alibis

Believe me we are being watched

From places unforeseen

Our actions are being scrutinized

Our intentions are unclean

We may pray in a cathedral

All are welcome to enter

For God is not as we are

Completely self-centered

Yet every day we are given

The chance to make a change

Yet the mistakes we are making

Vary little in their range

I’m observing nothing more

Not saying I am less at fault

But shouldn’t we start today

End the domestic assault

Stop the hateful name calling

What are we teaching our young?

That the winner by default

Is the one with the cruelest tongue?

Do you see the insanity now?

How crazy this all seems

To crush the will of man

Squashing his hopes and dreams

I pray we wake up soon

Before it is too late

The cost of sin is high

The punishment is great

Embrace your fellow man

Whether black white yellow or blue

For the greatness that created them

Also created you


What About Me?



What About Me?

There is a time and place for everything, this is an old adage; but it is no less true at this moment.

The most sage advice, I can give you, at this moment, is to stay connected to all things, but be attached to nothing. This may have you scratching your head, but be patient…I will never lead you astray.

You love deeply, without question. However you may need to have a heart to heart with yourself…every single day. Every day you should ask yourself, am I doing this for “them” (whoever “them” is) or are you doing it for self. Be careful, because I need you to be brutally honest with yourself.

Sometimes, even when we are doing things for other people…we are really only doing it for ourselves. Let me give you an example, just so you won’t think I have lost it.

You can have someone that you are very close to, and you may give that person something (monetary or not); now when you tell this story to others, you are brought to tears…and you very well maybe shedding tears, on behalf of the situation that your loved one is facing. However, if you did it strictly for them, why would you feel the need to share it with anyone else? In fact, if you do something for another person…once it is done…you should let it go. All too often, when we even hold onto stories where we have helped another person or group of persons, all that we really do is keep a running tab, of who did more for whom. This is a most unkind behavior.

If we are truly doing things for the sake of another’s well being; there should be no reason why we would need to keep track.

Be connected to all…persons, places and things…yet attached to nothing. You are not your actions. In all that you do, you must be able to picture your Creator…standing beside you. Think for a moment, in the time when the world was being created…was there room for ego? The ego can be a powerful tool, and there are times when it can be used to help others; but understand that when our ego is being used to make us feel bigger and better than anyone else…it is working against creation.

Look at all situations from above, do not allow your own personal feelings or ideas about how the outcome will affect you, alter the way you conduct yourself. Think about all situations, as if you have nothing to lose or gain. It is sad that this even needs to be said, but unfortunately, the very first person, that typically comes to mind, in any given circumstance…is self.

You must learn how to put other people ahead of you, in this regard. You must want more for others than you want for yourself. You know what you would like to have for yourself…want more for everyone else. If you want $100 then you MUST want $500 for them. This is truly caring for another person.

We must step aside from the “let me break you off a little something” mentality. Stop breaking off fractions of what it is that you have; if you truly want to give…give it all away. I know this may feel like I am trying to steal your oxygen, but please listen. The greatest Saints in history, never thought of self. Mother Theresa of Calcutta, gave her entire fortune away, and lived alongside the people who were truly struggling. She did not do this to get world fame, but to learn humility. She gave her entire fortune to the needy and less fortunate; yet she never appeared to look like she was doing without. In fact, when asked why she smiles everyday…she said because I find Jesus everywhere. What she learned, that most of us struggle with is the fact that you can find your Creators fingerprints on each and every thing…how can that be anything less than perfection?

This part may hurt a little, because now I have to tell you…you are not the most important person in the world. We have been taught so many lies…that we now believe they are the truth. As women, we have been led astray, by other women. That, holier than thou mentality must end…let it end with you. You are a bright and beautiful being…you are definitely that, but if you wear that idea like a tiara…it can become a crown of thorns.

When does beauty fail to be beautiful? When it is used to degrade another living thing. For instance, oh I love her hair; I mean it isn’t as bouncy as mine is, but it still looks good.

Do you see what just happened? You took something that was never about you at all…and you made it all about you. How can a person feel good about themselves, after hearing a statement like that?

This life is not a matrix, nothing is that complicated; but you do have to lay down the idea that you come first. Living life out oud does not mean to be the most boisterous. It means to walk amongst all of creation, knowing that we all have a divine purpose and your purpose may very well be…to just be kind. That doesn’t mean to be kind when you are having a good day or when you get that raise at work. It means above all else, put others first. This also doesn’t mean to play the “Have a blessed day” card.

Do not misinterpret what I am saying to you. We should hope that every one has a blessed day, in fact if they are breathing…in fact- they are being blessed. You know exactly what I am referring to. The tone in which you are speaking, the one that says “You don’t matter to me and my world”…that “Have a blessed day” card. Understand that your job here, is to love everyone. It seems so simple, doesn’t it? Who couldn’t love everyone?

Well, that means that you have to find the most trying of people…loveable.

You have to be able to look at the homeless man urinating on the street, just as loveable as the newborn baby. It means that you have to love, even the man that walked into your place of business- with the intention of robbing you. You have to find a way to find yourself in each and every one. You may think that the woman showing her ass on facebook is nothing like you…after all, you would never post half naked pictures. What if I told you that like you…she lives with grief that time is still trying to heal? What if the attention she is seeking is just so she won’t have to think about the memories she can no longer make with that person…can you really see who she is now?

Life is full of opportunities, don’t miss them, just because they come wrapped in a ribbon that makes you feel negative. This is a lesson that will be hard for most people to learn, after all we do have our preferences. However, life isn’t about you. You did not create it…it created you. You must humble yourself and know that all that you should have…you will have.

Stop walking past the very gifts that this world has to give you; simply because you are looking for something that you find more attractive or suitable.

I will leave you with one final thought today, you do not need to clear your head…you instead…must clear your heart






In my silent time today

Where I talk with my Source

I asked are we all loved

The response was yes, of course

Then I pondered for a moment

If that is truly the case

When did we create the lie

When did we fall off base

When did we decide that we

Could treat another so bad

What gives us the authority

To make others feel so sad

Why must we tear apart

The hopes and dreams others create

That…I heard intently

Is a lifelong debate

Mankind did not seek permission

From any higher power when

He decided to enslave and maim

Starting way back then

No one sought enlightenment

When evil came to mind

For that wrong which was done

Does not begin from the divine

For to hold back or desecrate

A man or group of the like

Is similar to searching for sunrise

But only during the night

It’s as backwards as

Placing horse behind a cart

Like playing make believe

With a most fragile heart

The problem worsens said my Source

When we make no moves to the latter

When my children have forgotten

All that really does matter

Like a smile out of nowhere

Rain making plants grow

Loving our fellow man

Allowing that love to show

We can hardly see the light

When the homeless are blamed

For our inability to reach out

Like Creation’s going insane

But if we do not wake up soon

The world will continue to create

The problems it has bred

Just more evil choices we’ll make

Learn to love immediately

For the seed of God runs deep

And the cost of sin is higher

Than any grudge we keep

Reach out for one another

Remember it may be only one hand

But like the great earthly beaches

It all started with a grain of sand

Create a chain of understanding

A tie that binds from your core

Show the love of your ancestors

And that of theirs before

So in your moments of silence

When our Creator touches you deep

Remember it’s not what you say

But the promises you should keep


To The Beautiful People


To all the beautiful people
Remember that today is tomorrows memory
Remember that even the darkness needs the LIGHT to exist
Remember that once someone had to be patient with you
That love is not a thing u do…but WHO u are
Remember that instead of seeking that perfect mate
Everything and everyone is not for you…
And that is okay
Love with your whole heart
You will never be disappointed
Love never fails…
Failure is an illusion
You have already won
The only war that you are fighting is against yourself
Choose YOU
Remember that our Creator would not create you…
With the intention for you to lose
But I will remind you that when we see negative things in others
It is only because we see them in ourselves
People are a mere reflection of how u really see yourself
There will be those who will constantly test you…
That’s okay
It will only make you better
Understand that the light which shines on your face…
With all its warmth and love
Actually came from inside yourself
And always…in all ways KNOW
And I appreciate you all…


Some days are good and some days are bad

As I reflect on the time spent living in the past

Being bitter, angry, unforgiving, and miserable

I end up hurting the people around me whom intentions are genuine

Do they deserve my wrath of anger I give them

And once I’ve realize my wrongdoings, I beg for forgiveness

Quinniece, darling, what could make you be this way?

You are an intelligent and beautiful lady what more can I say


As I look into the mirror to my surprise

Standing before me was a woman who has lost her stride

NO MORE as I shouted and broke the mirror into pieces

My past will not become my future and get the best of me

Dusting myself off as I pray to God above

God please enter my heart and fill it again with love

Joy, Forgiveness, Happiness, and Care

And let the beautiful, strong woman within come and declare….her VICTORY!

Talks From Within

I’m making myself sick.

You’re a parasite

I’m more tired.

I’m scared.

I’m sad.

I’ve been wearing multiple masks on top just to hide the one I constantly wear because I am hurt & miss you.

So I just smile in everyone’s face but inside I feel like I’m dying.

Is it really worth it?

Is he really the one you can see yourself with?

He played you already; do you actually want to be the face of embarrassment again?

If he wants to go let him go.

Once he’s gone he’ll realize what he had but by then it’ll be to late.

Maybe it’s time to cut off life for a couple days. No cellphone at all.

How about you find someone to get under so you can get over him?!

You are crazy if you think that you are going to be the one he actually goes back to.

If he comes back to you it’s only gonna be because he’s having issues with her.

Don’t let him come back.

He made you look like a fucking fool in front of everyone and put so much stress on you that no one could even recognize you.

He’s having a baby on your ass but he told you it was a mistake…

So because it was a mistake you wanna be all forgiveful?

C’mon son.

I was there when he wasn’t and I helped you up when he threw you down and put your face on the pavement.

So please listen to me and try to do what’s best for you but don’t lose yourself or forget what happened.

You deserve better than what was done to you and I don’t wanna see you in the hospital or worse because of him.

Fuck You for cheating on me. Fuck you for reducing it to the word cheating. As if this were a card game, and you sneaked a look at my hand. Who came up with the term cheating, anyway? A cheater, I imagine. Someone who thought liar was too harsh. Someone who thought devastator was too emotional. The same person who thought, oops, he’d gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Fuck you. This isn’t about slipping yourself an extra twenty dollars of Monopoly money. These are our lives. You went and broke our lives. You are so much worse than a cheater. You killed something. And you killed it when its back was turned.

– David Levithan


purple tree tops

Sometimes when I write about gratitude
It can be confused with being unrealistic
We jokingly call it my rainbows and unicorn talk
But the truth is that I…
Not unlike many of you
Have dealt with very difficult circumstances
I have taken things for granted
I have wasted time
On bitterness or anger
Until one day…
Some one I loved very much…
Stopped breathing
I have forgotten to be thankful for the small things
Like walking…talking…
Until at one time those things had been taken away …
So when I write about gratitude…
Do not confuse it with someone who doesn’t understand
Sadness or
But think of it as it is intended…
From someone who loves you enough
To remind you
That every moment of the day…
I never fail to be grateful
For the very divine way we were brought together
Most of us have never physically met
Yet my heart is with you during your hardships…
I cry with you when you are hurting
And I know how hard things can be for you…
But having said all of that….
Let me also remind you…
How very grateful I am that today
At this very moment…
When you breathed in deeply…
That your breath…
Was waiting for you
I do love you so…


u hv so much to be thanlful for

We waste so much time on anger
We may feel we have been treated unfairly
So we become bitter
Instead of just feeling anger
We become anger…
We breath in and out FIRE
Negative things seem to multiply in our lives
And we become overwhelmed
We stop looking for the positive
We ignore the light
We forget the amazing blessings we have received
I am asking you today
And claim greatness
Claim success
Claim all that you experience
ALL is within you
Whether u call it good or bad
Negative or positive
Embrace all your pieces
After all we wouldn’t swallow vegetable oil…
Yet we have no problem eating cake
Which needs vegetable oil
Seek not only the parts of you and everyone
That sparkle and shine
It takes a very long time t create a diamond
Out of a mere lump of coal
Be patient
Make every breath count
Be forgiving
Love ALL
For in every “NO”
You will find a lesson
Embrace even the things that didn’t work out
And be grateful…
Remember how wonderful you are…
I love you




What is the greatest

 Weakness of man

To give a clue…

It’s not of another’s hand

Not love, hate or indifference

Others shout

 It’s ye of little faith…

Those who harbor doubt

It’s that little inner voice saying

I don’t know

Fear of the other voice saying…

I told you so

It’s the fear of the unknown…

Shadows in the dark

Inner self making you

Afraid of who you are

Do not let another single soul

Remove you from your place

They know not of you

Only their own dark space

For when evil comes knocking

Telling us all that we are not

It shows not our shortcomings

But THEIR lives are on the spot

When in doubt seek direction

Let no other man guide you blindly

The truth is never hidden

But you must desire to find it

Doubt not your selves ever

Nor your Creator from on High

For you exist because of He

Doesn’t really matter why

We all have a path which is written

Upon that which we came

Seek Truth…set aside doubt

For Truth is without blame

Love not waste not

For moments are best spent

With love all surrounding

It’s a show stopping event

Doubt not my loved ones

The love which brought us here

Will guide you through all storms

There is nothing but doubt to fear

                                                       ~LM Young

My Flag


I used to carry an award around my neck
I claimed selfishness was my prize
From a outsiders glance
You may assume that I was ego driven
But if you looked more deeply
Past the laughter that slowly paused
You would see the distinct wrinkle above my nose
The mark which made it clear that there was something more
More pain that I had claimed
More scars than could be seen
More damage that had been done
So instead of waving the white flag of surrender
I hid behind a wall of self proclaimed selfishness
When we walk through life
As if we are afraid to touch the hearts of others
We become indifferent
It only takes a moment of silence to view the injured
It only take a question to know their pain
It only takes love
To remind her that she is worthy
For you see when she waves her flag of selfishness
She thinks she is hiding her pain
She thinks she is hiding her war
She thinks she is hiding her injuries
But she isn’t hiding at all
She is screaming…
I am alive
I made it through
I was not destroyed
I am still standing
Just a moment of understanding
Can be the rescue we are all seeking